Dying to recreate those flower-inspired cupcake and cake designs you've been seeing all over Instagram?

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The secret to creating these beautiful blooms are Russian piping tips. While those blossoms may look difficult to recreate, these tools make the process super easy!

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Whether you plan on decorating cupcakes, cakes or cookies, with these seven piping tips, the design possibilities are virtually endless.

Because these piping tips are made from stainless steel, they're able to create sharp-looking flower designs that you otherwise wouldn't be able to get by using a standard plastic piping tools. Also, because the design is already cut into the piping tip, you can create an icing flower with a single swipe of frosting instead of building a flower out of many consecutive piping motions.

The piping tips, from Newchic, cost just $7 for a pack of seven and are available on Amazon.

If you're in the mood to do some serious baking, check out these helpful Pinterest baking charts too!

From: Country Living US
Headshot of Madison Alcedo
Madison Alcedo
Assistant Editor

Madison Alcedo was the Assistant Editor at WomansDay.com and Redbookmag.com.