Pizza ovens shouldn't be reserved for people who live in the warm-weather climates that make an outdoor kitchen possible. After all, even people who don't get to enjoy near-perfect temperatures every day (jealous) crave this Italian staple. Luckily, the Pizzacraft Pizzeria Pronto Stovetop Pizza Oven is an indoor option that even Alaskans can enjoy.

The tool features a pizza stone bottom with steel sides and a top that creates an oven experience on your stovetop. All you have to do is place it over your gas stove and it'll heat up in 10 minutes. Since the oven can reach up to 600 degrees Fahrenheit, your personal pizza will be all done in 6 minutes (give or take a few depending on how crispy you like your crust).

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As any pizza connoisseur knows, there's so much science behind the perfect pie, which this tool definitely takes into account. A vented hood draws out moisture to make toppings toasty. The pizza stone bottom evenly distributes heat so dough will cook at the same speed. And a backstop inside the oven even keeps pizza from getting pushed too far inside and getting stuck in a cheesy, saucy mess.

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For this magical tool, you'll have to cough up $175 ( But instead of focusing on what you'll spend, think about how much you'll save compared to installing a fancy outdoor oven.

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Just try to tell us you aren't craving pizza right now. Thought so.

h/t Refinery29

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Lauren Smith McDonough
Senior Editor

Lauren is a senior editor at Hearst. She was previously the senior editor at and the home editor at and Her book club, ramen, and jean jackets are a few of her favorite things.