Over the past couple of months, numerous in-person activities have gone virtual. Video chat platform Zoom has become the new way to hold meetings, enjoy a drink with friends, or take a live workout class. And now, you can even adopt a dog off Zoom. Mark my words: This is one meeting I’ll be early to, with both my camera and microphone on.

Dog food brand Pedigree has teamed up with the Nashville Humane Association, in Nashville, TN, to host dog adoption meetings over Zoom for locals in the area. You can head to meetyournewdog.com to look for available Zoom adoption meetings to sign up for. During these meetings, you'll be able to meet new furry friends, ask questions, and even adopt a dog yourself. It's as easy as that. Plus, if you do end up adopting a dog, Pedigree will pay all adoption fees and deliver your new pal to you. The brand has given this initiative the slogan: "Give a dog a home without leaving yours."

This content is imported from youTube. You may be able to find the same content in another format, or you may be able to find more information, at their web site.
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Now, there's some good news and bad news. There is only one scheduled Zoom meeting left if you're looking to adopt a dog from the Nashville Humane Association. You can sign up for today's free meeting at 5 p.m. CST here. A meeting also took place on Monday and Tuesday at that time. However, Pedigree hopes to open this program up to shelters across the country and notes that it will be releasing the names of more participating shelters soon. You can also find instructions on how to enroll your shelter in the program here.

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We'll keep you updated as Pedigree teams up with more shelters. Uncertain if you should adopt a dog during a pandemic? We asked a few experts to weigh in here.

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Kelly Corbett
News Writer

Kelly is the News Writer at House Beautiful where she covers a little bit of everything ranging from decorating trends and must-have products, to anything that includes doughnuts or glitter.