As the go-to designer for New York’s startup scene, Dani Arps has built a reputation for creating bright, personality-filled workspaces. Follow Dani along on a tour of her just-finished project, Day One Agency in Flatiron, to learn how her design tips can make any office space—whether that’s an executive suite or nook in your living room—somewhere you’ll actually want to spend time.

Create a color story.

Choosing decor in variations on a single hue makes an office space feel more cohesive. If it’s a home office, make sure to pick a color that works with the rest of your house or apartment.

Add greenery.

Plants, plants, plants—Arps can’t get enough. Not only do they add freshness and color, they’re good for the air quality, too.

Style your shelves.

Try this styling trick: Pushing books and other items towards the front of a shelf makes it look more full.

Design, Electronics, Technology, Room,
Brad Holland

Try double-duty pieces.

An adjustable sit-stand desk isn’t just good for your health, it also saves space versus having both a regular and standing desk.

Cut down on noise.

It can be hard to concentrate in a loud space, so Arps takes every opportunity to integrate sound-dampening materials. While a sprayed-foam ceiling might not work at home, think about hanging a thick curtain along a wall or wrapping acoustic foam in art-printed canvas.

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